API Introduction

There are a few key classes for communication with the Rest API of HomematicIP.

Home: is the most important object as it has the “overview” of the installation
Group: a group of devices for a specific need. E.g. Heating group, security group, …
MetaGroup: a collection of groups. In the HomematicIP App this is called a “Room”
Device: a hardware device e.g. shutter contact, heating thermostat, alarm siren, …
FunctionChannel: a channel of a device. For example DoorLockChannel for DoorLockDrive or DimmerChannel. A device has multiple channels - depending on its functions.
For example:
The device HmIP-DLD is represented by the class DoorLockDrive (or AsyncDoorLockDrive). The device has multiple channels.
The base channel holds informations about the device and has the index 0.
The device has also a channel called DoorLockChannel which contains the functions “set_lock_state” and “async_set_lock_state”. These are functions to set the lock state of that device.

If you have dimmer with multiple I/Os, there are multiple channels. For each I/O a unique channel.