Getting Started
Just run pip3 install -U homematicip in the command line to get the package. This will install (and update) the library and all required packages
Getting the AUTH-TOKEN
Before you can start using the library you will need an auth-token. Otherwise the HMIP Cloud will not trust you.
You will need:
Access to an active Access Point (it must glow blue)
the SGTIN of the Access Point
[optional] the PIN
Now you have to run hmip_generate_auth_token from terminal and follow it’s instructions. It will generate a config.ini in your current working directory. The scripts which are using this library are looking for this file to load the auth-token and SGTIN of the Access Point. You can either place it in the working directory when you are running the scripts or depending on your OS in different “global” folders:
current working directory
/Library/Application Support/homematicip-rest-api/
Using the CLI
You can send commands to homematicIP using the hmip_cli script. To get an overview, use -h or –help param. To address devices, use the argument -d in combination with the 24-digit ID (301400000000000000000000) from –list-devices.
Get Information about devices and groups
Commands are bound to the channel type. To get a list of all allowed actions for a device you can write hmip_cli -d {deviceid} –print-allowed-commands or hmip_cli -d {deviceid} -ac.
To get infos for a device and its channels use the –print-infos argument in combination with -d for a device or -g for a group.
A few examples:
hmip_cli –help to get help
hmip_cli –list-devices to get a list of your devices.
hmip_cli -d <id-from-device-list> –toggle-garage-door to toogle the garage door with HmIP-WGC.
hmip_cli –list-events to listen to events and changes in your homematicIP system
hmip_cli -d <id> –set-lock-state LOCKED –pin 1234 to lock a door with HmIP-DLD
hmip_cli –dump-configuration –anonymize to dump the current config and anonymize it.